I am a first-year PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I work with Aishwarya Ganesan and Ram Alagappan at the DASSL Lab, UIUC. Broadly, I am interested in distributed systems, with a focus on designing and building high-performance systems tailored for the modern datacenter environment.
Lately, I have been working on shared logs, a powerful abstraction that simplifies building a wide range of distributed applications. My recent research (see SpecLog, LazyLog) aims to overcome the high latencies inherent in traditional shared log architectures.
In the past, I interned at the systems group at Microsoft Research India where I worked with Dr. Akash Lal on applying concurrency testing techniques on production-scale distributed systems.
I graduated with a Dual Degree (Bachelors and Masters) in CSE from IIT Madras, where I worked with Prof. Kartik Nagar on cutoff-based techniques for verifying distributed protocols.
Low End-to-End Latency atop a Speculative Shared Log with Fix-Ante Ordering*
, Tony Hong, Xuhao Luo, Jiyu Hu, Aishwarya Ganesan, Ramnatthan Alagappan
OSDI'25 | Operating Systems Design and Implementation
*to appear
LazyLog: A New Shared Log Abstraction for Low-Latency Applications
Xuhao Luo, , Jiyu Hu*, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Aishwarya Ganesan
SOSP'24 | Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Best Paper Award
Invited to Transactions on Computer Systems
Automating Cutoff-based Verification of Distributed Protocols
, Kartik Nagar
FMCAD'23 | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
Brief Announcement: Automating and Mechanising Cutoff Proofs for Parameterized Verification of Distributed Protocols
, Kartik Nagar
DISC'21 | International Symposium on DIStributed Computing