I am a first-year PhD student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where I work with Aishwarya Ganesan and Ram Alagappan at the DASSL Lab, UIUC. Broadly, I am interested in distributed systems, with a focus on designing and building high-performance systems tailored for the modern datacenter environment.

Lately, I have been working on shared logs, a powerful abstraction that simplifies building a wide range of distributed applications. My recent research (see SpecLog, LazyLog) aims to overcome the high latencies inherent in traditional shared log architectures.

In the past, I interned at the systems group at Microsoft Research India where I worked with Dr. Akash Lal on applying concurrency testing techniques on production-scale distributed systems.

I graduated with a Dual Degree (Bachelors and Masters) in CSE from IIT Madras, where I worked with Prof. Kartik Nagar on cutoff-based techniques for verifying distributed protocols.


SpecLog to appear at OSDI'25 March 2025
LazyLog wins best paper award at SOSP'24! September 2024
Received travel grant to attend SOSP'24 October 2024


Low End-to-End Latency atop a Speculative Shared Log with Fix-Ante Ordering*
Shreesha G. Bhat, Tony Hong, Xuhao Luo, Jiyu Hu, Aishwarya Ganesan, Ramnatthan Alagappan
OSDI'25 | Operating Systems Design and Implementation
*to appear

LazyLog: A New Shared Log Abstraction for Low-Latency Applications
Xuhao Luo, Shreesha G. Bhat*, Jiyu Hu*, Ramnatthan Alagappan, Aishwarya Ganesan
SOSP'24 | Symposium on Operating Systems Principles
Best Paper Award
Invited to Transactions on Computer Systems
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*equal contribution

Automating Cutoff-based Verification of Distributed Protocols
Shreesha G. Bhat, Kartik Nagar
FMCAD'23 | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design
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Brief Announcement: Automating and Mechanising Cutoff Proofs for Parameterized Verification of Distributed Protocols
Shreesha G. Bhat, Kartik Nagar
DISC'21 | International Symposium on DIStributed Computing
pdf| presentation| cite


Artifact Evaluation Committee: OSDI'24, ATC'24